Policy Advocacy
Advocates work to change the world. While their responsibilities and focuses can vary widely, they’re all engaging in advocacy, which comes from the word advocatus. In Latin, this means “a pleader on one behalf” or “one called to aid.”
Further, advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.
Colorado-CURE's advocacy is in educating those who believe in correctional reform, insuring that those who are incarcerated, on Parole or probation are treated fairly in accordance with the statutes (laws) of the State of Colorado.
One of our primary tools is through the use of the Colorado-CURE Google Group.
The Colorado-CURE Google group allows for discussion amongst members on topics related to correctional reform. Members can ask other members for assistance, post information on articles of interest, links to organizations that do research on correctional advocacy
The second is to provide regularly scheduled online meetings via ZOOM where members can be updated on the organization's activities, news of importance and discuss their concerns with other members who may have experienced and issue and can provide possible outcomes.
Another is to provide information, resources and collaboration in addressing legislation and policies and practices that impact on those who are incarcerated. A majority of this is by communicating to members of proposed changes and how they can contact the necessary officials to support or challenge proposed actions.